The Central Stickney Volunteer Fire Department was founded in 1945 with the first Fire Station built the same year. The district protected the unincorporated Cook County area known as Central Stickney, Which included an 8 block by 4 block residential area, the industrial area between Interstate 55 and 51st street, and Central Ave to Harlem Ave. The one story, two-bay firehouse was built on the Corner of 50th and Lotus and served the community until the present station was built in 1971. The first Engine was purchased used from the Summit Fire Department in 1945. A Cadillac Packard Ambulance was also purchased. The first new engine was purchased in 1948. 

In 1964, 2 pumpers were purchased. 2 International/Howe 750/300 were purchased to replace the originals.

In 1969 the department built an additional engine bay onto the firehouse in order to house a new state of the art fire engine purchased in 1970. The 1970 Duplex/Howe 1500/500 pumper was the top of the line for its time.

In 1966 the Central Stickney Volunteer Fire Department was granted a charter by the state of Illinois. This marked the official start of the Central Stickney Fire Protection District. Unlike municipal Fire Departments that receive revenue from sales tax, a Fire protection district’s main source of income is from property tax. 

In 1970 it was decided that they had outgrown the old firehouse. A new Fire Station was built in the same location. During the construction, the equipment was stored in an empty lot at 48th and Latrobe and was watched in shifts by the volunteers sitting in their cars. The new station opened in 1971. A three story 6 bay building was finished just in time to house the new 
1971 Duplex/Howe 85 foot ladder truck. 
1982 new engine: Ford/FMC 1000/750 
1982 utility vehicle: Chevy Suburban
1985 new engine: Kenilworth/FMC 1000/500 used as a rescue squad.
1989 new ambulance: 1989 Ford/Road Rescue 
1995: Tower Ladder was delivered. Simon LTI with a 75foot ladder with bucket and 1500/250 pump.  A three section 75 foot rear mounted ladder rated at 1,000 pounds wet or dry with a 16 foot jack spread. At the time it was the only 75 foot rear-mounted platform aerial on the market. 

In 1996 the district had hit a major mile stone; the district went from Basic Life Support (BLS) to Advanced Life Support (ALS). This brought Paramedics along with critical life saving equipment to the community. 

In 1997 a new International / Road Rescue Ambulance was purchased.

In 2000 a new utility vehicle was purchased. The 2000 Dodge ram Pickup is used primarily as a utility vehicle and doubles as our incident command vehicle.

In 2001 After Chief Patrick Hansen wrote a letter to Senator Viverito explaining that most of our current firefighting equipment was out of date. The Senator was able to obtain a State of Illinois Grant in the amount of 1.2 million dollars. The grant money was used to purchase 2 new fire engines, Personal firefighting gear, building improvements, and other firefighting equipment. The two engines were Pierce Enforcers

The District was also able to obtain a FEMA grant not long after the State of Illinois Grant and was able to continue to improve the department without being a burden on 
the community by raising taxes. Since 2001 the district has received 7 more grants from entities such as the Department of Homeland Security, VFIS Insurance Agency, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Clorox Corporation. The district continues to search for all grants we are eligible for. 

In 2005 the community was gracious enough to vote on and pass a referendum enabling the department to continue forward with its Paramedic Program. 
In 2008 a new Ford F350 Wheeled Coach Ambulance was purchased. This vehicle was purchased as a demo unit which saves money.
In 2010 a new Ford Explorer was purchased to serve as the Chiefs Response Vehicle.
In January 2017 the District purchased a 2015 Ford F250 4x4 Pick-Up Truck to serve as an Incident Command Vehicle.
In October 2017 with the monies from a passed referendum the new 2017 Ford E450 Wheeled Coach Ambulance was purchased.
In July of 2018 the department took delivery of the new 2018 Pierce Ascendant Ladder truck.  The department continuously installs new equipment in the truck and continues to improve its versatility.  The men of the department as well as the residents take incredible pride in this apparatus and a "Push In" ceremony in September of 2018 was enjoyed by all.  
In 2022 a referendum was passed to raise the tax rate for the district. The District is now at the maximum allowable tax rate of 0.04%. 
This tax rate increase went solely to pay our staff for 24/7/365 in house staffing of 4 members. Prior to this referendum, all members were getting paid at or below minimum wage. 
On May 12, 2022 the District approved the purchase of a new Ambulance. This will replace our 1997 International Road rescue Ambulance. The new Ambulance will be placed front line and the 2017 Ambulance will be placed to back-up status. The 1997 Road rescue will be sold. We expect delivery of the new Ambulance late in 2025. 
 The Central Stickney Fire Protection District currently runs 2 Engines, 2 Ambulances, a Ladder Truck, and 2 support vehicles out of a centrally located station. The station is manned 24 hours a day 365 days a year with 4 members. Almost 40 Firefighters and Paramedics make up our current roster. 

Central Stickney is involved in response agreements with neighboring fire departments to enhance response capabilities on a daily basis. This mutual aid system called MABAS, stretches from southern Wisconsin to St. Louis and includes fire, rescue, emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, water rescue, and fire investigation. 
The agreement provides response resources in a timely manner anywhere in the region.  


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